Wednesday, May 6, 2015

And the Adventure Begins!

I LOVE when the seasons change! Having grown up in a part of the country with four very distinct seasons, I always looked forward to buds appearing on barren tree limbs, school letting out for the summer, the first crisp cold air signifying the beginning of fall (and sweater wearing weather!) and the first glorious snowfall.  The beginning of each season seemed almost magical because it was new and exciting as well as a little mysterious and unknown. 

In a way, this blog has some of the same characteristics as a season…it is the epitome of change! Change in how I communicate, receive feedback, and share ideas. To me, it is magical in that I’m potentially able to reach an audience much larger than what I reach through my classes.  This is something new and incredibly exciting as teaching and idea sharing are passions of mine.   Finally, blogging is a little mysterious and unknown as I have no previous experience nor do I have a clear result or expectation of this blog.  What I do know is that I’m going on an adventure and I’m SO excited you’re choosing to come along!   


  1. Can't wait to follow along with you on your ADVENTURE!! Fun and exciting!

    1. I know you'll be following VERY closely! Appreciate your help so much!

  2. This should be fun! But, how you will find time to do this is beyond me!

    1. I have some wonderful & talented clients/friends that have taught me anything is possible. And, there is a good chance that previously mentioned clients/friends will be asked to help out by writing a guest blog. Hint, hint!

    2. Wow what fun this can be! I am not sure ,I wonder how you will find time?

    3. Fortunately, I have a retired/temporary/forever assistant who enables me to accomplish more than one could imagine. We are a good team and I appreciate her very much!

  3. This looks like fun!

    1. Thank you! I think it's going to be a blast! Glad to have you following....stay tuned for more!

  4. I am going to enjoy this journey.

  5. I am happy you are doing this. I think it will be fun but I agree that you already do so much I don't know how you will find the time. I'll be reading though.

    1. Thank you, Loretta, I appreciate your support. I'm going to call on the wise women (and men!) I am surrounded by to provide content as we get going. You are at the top of that list. : )
